AABPS Memberships

AABPS supports 9 membership categories. Unique benefits are associated with each membership.

All members will receive access to our network of Black trainees and established physician scientists, access to mentoring programs and seminars, subscription to our quarterly newsletter and discounted AABPS swag.

See below for brief information about each membership category.



Physician Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): MD or equivalent

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: any person with a medical doctoral degree or its equivalent (MD or DO), who is a permanent resident of any North American country (Canada, United States, and Mexico), who has completed clinical training (clinical residency or fellowship) and who does not perform basic or translational research. Past or current participation in clinical research does not preclude acceptance of membership into this category

Annual Dues: $389




Fellow Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): MD/PhD or MD or equivalent

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: fellows with dual-degrees who reside in Canada, Mexico, or the United States and who are enrolled in a duly accredited (ACGME) medical or surgical fellowship program. Fellow Trainee membership can begin after matriculation into an accredited fellowship and concludes after the completion of the fellowship program

Annual Dues: $100




Physician-Scientist Trainee Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Working towards degree(s): MD/PhD or DO/PhD

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: dual-degree trainees who reside in Canada, Mexico, or the United States and who are enrolled in a duly accredited (LCME) dual-degree program. Common programmatic nomenclature includes MD/PhD program, DO/PhD program or the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). Physician Scientist Trainee membership can begin after matriculation into an accredited dual-degree program and concludes after the completion of said program.

Annual Dues: FREE


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International Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings
Degree(s): MD/PhD or MD or equivalent
Country of Residence: other than United States, Canada, Mexico
Requirements: any person with a doctoral or medical degree or its equivalent or combination (M.D., D.O., Ph.D., D.Phil., D.Sc.) who is NOT a permanent resident of any North American country (Canada, United States, and Mexico) and who has completed graduate training. Past or current participation in basic, translational and/or clinical research does not preclude acceptance of membership into this category.
Annual Dues: $430


Established Physician Scientist Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): MD/PhD or MD or equivalent

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: any person with at least a medical doctoral degree or its equivalent (MD or DO), who is a permanent resident of any North American country (Canada, United States, and Mexico), who has completed clinical training (clinical residency or fellowship) and whose training and/or career represent that of a physician scientist as evidenced by basic/translational original contributions (i.e. peer-reviewed publications, abstracts, presentations), attendance at basic/translational scientific meetings, and/or completion of a doctorate thesis and dissertation is eligible for Established Physician Scientist membership. All dual-degree graduates who have completed training (clinical residency or fellowship) will be accepted for Established Physician Scientist membership

Annual Dues: $399




Investigator Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): PhD or equivalent

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: any person with a doctoral degree or its equivalent (Ph.D., D.Phil., D.Sc.), who is a permanent resident of any North American country (Canada, United States, and Mexico), who has graduate and postgraduate training (postdoctoral fellowship). Members in this class act or have acted as an independent investigator in a basic or translational field, funded by grant support (i.e. NIH R and P awards or foundation awards)

Annual Dues: $389




Resident Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): MD/PhD or MD or equivalent

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: residents (intern or resident) with dual-degrees who reside in Canada, Mexico, or the United States and who are enrolled in a duly accredited (ACGME) medical or surgical residency program. Resident Trainee membership can begin after matriculation into an accredited residency and concludes after the completion of the residency program

Annual Dues: $50




Prospective Student Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): working toward or already earned bachelors or masters degree

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: prospective students (i.e. undergraduates, post-baccalaureate, Masters students) who reside in Canada, Mexico, or the United States, who maintain interest in a career as a physician scientist and who are enrolled in or have completed a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. Prospective Student membership can begin at any time before matriculation into an accredited dual-degree program and concludes once a member matriculates in any accredited medical school or dual-degree program

Annual Dues: FREE




Emeritus Member

Benefits: subscription to AABPS “newsletter”, networking database, meetings

Degree(s): MD/PhD or MD or equivalent

Country of Residence: United States, Canada or Mexico

Requirements: age seventy (70) or upon professional retirement, or any member who by reason of permanent disability or undue hardship has been rendered unable to continue Active membership, may request transfer to the status of Emeritus membership by written application to the Secretary of the Board of the Association

Annual Dues: FREE